Wondering, “When should I schedule my newborn session”? Wonder no further! I’ve perfected the art known as “A newborn photographer’s schedule”, so let’s chat. I’m exaggerating, but you can imagine how tricky juggling due dates vs birth dates can be!
When to book your newborn session
Like many newborn photographers in DuPage County, Cook County, Will County, and the Chicago suburbs, my schedule can fill up weeks ahead. Because of this, it is important to schedule your newborn session while in your second trimester or early in your third trimester. My clients are asked to choose a date in the online scheduler which falls approximately 5-10 days from their expected due date. Once you have booked your session, you will receive an email confirming the date and time. Your email will also include a link to tips to prepare for your session and a reminder to contact me within 48 hours of your little one’s arrival. We have some wiggle room in when to capture your new addition, but it is important I find out his or her birthdate quickly so we can adjust your session date if need be. Many times, the original date works well!
What if baby arrives early or late?
If I have not received news of baby’s arrival 5-7 days before your scheduled session date, I will email to check in. Baby still snuggled in the womb? We will scoot your date up a week or so. Baby arrived earlier than expected? Just send me an announcement email asap. I’ll send you a reply with a new session date which falls in the prime window for posed newborn sessions. It’s as easy as that, thanks to the system I have fine tuned over the years.
What if I did not book a session before baby’s birth?
Let’s say you did not have a chance to schedule your session prior to baby’s delivery. Don’t stress, and please don’t hesitate to send me an email ( francine@lillybellerosephotography.com). Since I focus almost exclusively on newborns and this is my full time job, I tend to offer many more sessions per month than most photographers in the Chicago area. There may be a chance a float date is still available and we can squeeze your session in!
What age do you capture newborn sessions?
Google tells us “newborn” is a baby from birth to approximately two months of age, but posed newborn sessions require a sleepy and flexible baby. My little subjects become incredibly relaxed in poses which most closely replicate their position in the womb. (It’s incredible to see!) That being said, once baby has been out of the womb for some time, even if premature, they start to prefer positions which are less, well, smooshed. Understandable! Awake newborns will squirm around to reposition themselves often during posing. Again, understandable! My experience capturing hundreds of new souls has made it clear the sweet spot for capturing a sleepy, posable newborn is 7-16 days new. Before 7 days, Mama’s milk supply may not be fully in, and baby may be cluster feeding. This situation would make for a very long session with baby slightly agitated with hunger. By the time baby reaches three weeks of age, their awake spells are longer, resulting in hours of alert, active awake time during which they strongly prefer a swaddle over posing.
To sum it all up, do your best to schedule before baby arrives so we can ensure the success of our mutual goal: capturing your precious newborn in the relaxed, adorable poses shown throughout my bodies of work! You can schedule your newborn session HERE.
Let’s say goodbye for now with this sweet soul, Beau.