Many mamas are in no mood to get in front of the camera after delivery and two weeks of sleepless nights. I get it! Trust me…I loathe being in front of the lens. But, as a mom of older children and someone who lost her own mom too young, I know the deep value of images with our babies. One day, these are images will be some of their most cherished possessions.
Take pictures with your children
I promise parent and family poses will be quick and easy. I promise we will only take a few of each pose. I promise I will have you looking like you had a great night sleep and lost all the water weight that may still be lingering. I promise your children, just like sweet Claire below, will be incredibly grateful for the images with you when they grow up.
Dads, you are not off the hook
It is pretty clear moms are behind the camera more often that Dads. Take a look at ten different cell phone camera rolls for proof. 😉 So I push my Mamas to get in front of the lens, but the same holds true for Dads. Your children want to know how much you loved them from the beginning. And that means, dear dad, SMILE! When I have a man in front of my camera who gives me that stoic grin with zero teeth, I push for more. Does your sweet baby want to grow up thinking you were too crabby to smile over his or her existance? Okay…that’s a bit dramatic, but trust me when I emphasize the fact that the images of a newborn with their parents are more of a gift to said newborns than the parents. Snuggle, dear daddys. Smile and snuggle.